Учитель английского языка
IN TER IO R D ES IG N A ID AN A IS A G ALIE VA CO N TA CT I N FO RM AT IO N aisultan-2016@inbo x.ru Almatinskaya str eet 214, Ur alsk, Kazakhstan +7 (707) 564 5764 SK IL LS L A N GUA G ES English | Intermediate. Toe� Kazakh | Nativ e Russian | Native OBJE C TIV E Cer ti�ed interior designer with 3 y ears of experience. Passionate about making living spaces unique and something wor th showing off. Very cr eativ e and specializ ed in pattern clash and textur es but with a keen eye for understanding the client' s need and able t o adapt accordingly. EX P ER IE N CE IN TERIOR DESIGN Dr eam Pr oject .Uralsk, Kazakhstan |Feb 2020 -Jun 2022 Designer 's super vision; cr eating a concept for the futur e interior in Photoshop, creating r ealistic interiors for commer cial and residential pr emises in the 3D max program. The implementation of pr ojects from the selection of building materials t o accessories t o create comfor t in the �nished r oom, special attention was paid t o the creation of er gonomic spaces. ED UC AT IO N FASHION DESIGN Kazakh National Academy of Ar ts .Almaty, Kazakhstan |Sep 2012 -May 2018 Getting diploma of "Ethno-F ashion" 2018; Getting diploma in the international competition of y oung designers "Zhas- Orken" 2018. Aut oCad 3ds Max Phot oshop
1 августа, 2016
27 лет ( 3 января 1998)
13 августа, 2016
47 лет (16 марта 1977)
13 августа, 2016
54 года ( 9 июня 1970)